How do passkeys work in QxControl

Passkeys are a replacement for passwords. A password is something that can be remembered and typed, and a passkey is a secret stored on one’s devices, unlocked with biometrics.

See for background information on passkeys.

What are Passkeys?
Passkeys are a type of login credential that allow you to log in to sites and services without having to enter a password. There’s nothing to remember and you can use them with the devices you already own like your smartphone or laptop. Passkeys are built on the WebAuthentication or WebAuthn standard which uses public-key cryptography to better secure your accounts. With passkey, you have a private and public key, and while the public key stays on a server, the private key remains on your device.

What devices support Passkeys?
Both iOS 16 and Android 14 or higher support Passkeys natively.  And as of June 2024, storing a passkey on a Windows computer requires Windows 11.  Windows users can log in to QxControl with a passkey created on their iPhone or Android mobile device.
As for your web browser, Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox all currently support passkeys. You need to be running version 79 or higher for Chrome/Edge, version 13 or higher for Safari and version 60 or higher for Firefox.

How do I set up Passkeys with Qumulex?

Once you have logged in for the first time using the standard password method navigate to the left hand menu and select Settings.  From there choose Authentication.
From this page you will have an option to "Register Device". 

Click Regsiter Device and choose your method.  The browser you are in may know about a few options, or you can choose to use the QR Code.
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See below for an example of the QR Code generation

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Depending on the device you are using you may have different menus and options to choose.  If the process times out in Qumulex you can simply start it again with no trouble. 

Now when you go to logon you will have an option for Use Passkey to authenticate!