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QxControl HTTPS Encryption

QxControl HTTPS Encryption
QxControl HTTPS Encryption

Qumulex understands the importance of security and delivers QxControl as secure browser-based experience. QxControl leverages HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encryption, which is a protocol used by web browsers to secure the communication between a user’s browser and a website’s server.  

Simply put, HTTPS adds a layer of encryption to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data exchanged when using a browser interface. This process allows QxControl to be secure both when connected to the cloud, and also protects you in offline mode. Our Web based solution contacts the gateway allowing you to log into QxControl securely on your local network when the internet connection has been interrupted.

Certificates & Authentication

HTTPS involves the use of digital certificates issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs). These certificates validate the identity of the website’s server, ensuring that users are connecting to the intended, legitimate site and not a malicious one attempting to impersonate it.

This helps defend against problems like man-in-the-middle attacks where an attacker intercepts and manipulates the communication between the user and the server, because HTTPS encryption makes it significantly harder for attackers to eavesdrop on or modify the data. Or data interception, where attackers may attempt to capture sensitive information.

Qumulex Has Your Certificate Updates Covered 

SSL/TLS security certificates are crucial for encrypting data transmitted between users and the QxControl platform. Regular updates ensure that the latest security protocols and algorithms are in place, strengthening the overall security posture and protecting your sensitive information.

Qumulex provides all necessary certificate updates as a part of your QxControl subscription. This makes QxControl both secure, AND worry free, as you  will never need to address the certificate updates yourself! 


We have put together a detailed overview of HTTPS Encryption and QxControl in our latest Qumulex Insights:

Qumulex Insights: HTTPS Encryption

This Insights paper goes into deeper discussion of HTTPS Encryption, why it is necessary, and why it is such a valuable part of your QxControl subscription

This is an ideal document to provide to your IT department.


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